Cheryl Cheung,香港動畫製作人、插畫師。Cyko Production 藝術總監。
浸大傳理系畢業,畢業後從事動畫製作。2012年自組公司 Cyko Production,創作風格柔和的卡通角色 Haru and Furi「春與福」,為生活舒壓,以輕鬆的故事,帶出溫暖的信息。動畫短片《春與福》及《春與福2之鳥人國大冒險》獲動畫支援計劃資助,並分別獲得「最佳初創企業動畫銀獎」及「小型動畫企業基本組別」銅獎。曾參展香港國際影視展、香港授權展、馬來西亞動漫展等。
Cheryl Cheung, 2D animator and illustrator in Hong Kong. Art Director of Cyko Production.
Studied in HKBU School of Communication and worked in animation industry after graduation. Started her own production company Cyko Production in 2012, she created cartoon characters “Haru and Furi”. The heart-warming stories gently relieve daily pressure. The short animations “Haru and Furi” and “Haru and Furi 2 - the Great Adventure into the Bird-Man Kingdom” were funded by Animation Support Program, and won a Silver Award in the Tier “Animation Start-ups” and a Bronze Award in “Small Animation Enterprises (Basic Production)” respectively. She participated in various exhibitions including Hong Kong FILMART, Licensing Show and Malaysia Comic Fiesta.